AprIL will be the full packed of month i ever been..nah..see! told u am off busy cuz i have a new job as a baby sitter, a gud staff, a lazy gal and a lost gal..
1st APrIL..
its ALIMP birthday today..actually i have lotsa thing to do..n i overslept that nite (sedangkan suda janji nie mo jd org pertama yg wish)..then when he texted me the next morning i pretend that i want to be the last person to wish for that dy hahahha..its APRIL FOOL but we all have lotsa things to do..huh..what a bad day..p/s...late came to work
4th ApRiL
this morning was the very happenig day in my life..i woke early that day by hoping to go out for futsol early <----trip2 mo warming up awal2,,mo score 5 gol> kekekke like my routine, 8am will be my TIME AREA cuz am wathing RACHaEL RAy ShOw every WeeKends..
at 11 am my sister fara told my mum that she might have food poisoning since she went to the toilet every single minutes..mum gets nerved..me takut suda mcm gila..told her to go to the hospital ASAP since her due just around the corner..she so stubborn. once ja dia bangun mo p toilet! jeng jeng jeng! nah kan!pecah ketuban! hahahahaha we all rush to the hospital..that day..i got a new nephew ekekk his name is MOHAMAD EIRFAN EUSOFF BIN SOFFIAN....4.april..2.08pm..3.5kg..welcome to the family, eirfan!
malas mo ckp!keekek naik BUkIT GEMOk just IMAgINe..i prepared all the sandwiches sice early in the morning..buli2..c ZUL kuFUI br bgn jam 8am!..its ok bole tgk RAchael RAyf..finally naik juga even terkandas time d atas! afta the rain n masa mo turun tu..ujan lebat!masa d atas! ada canopy walk kekeke
14 aPRIL!
then ari2 selainnya sama ja..busy ja memanjang..haih..n busy of taking care of eirfan keekek...i think i will be a gud aunt n a gud mum...kekeke ..sekian terima kasih utk summary ini..
p/s...i forgot we had a visit from my cousin..they bring their childs together..so..my nephews n niece la kan jua? ekkekeke
.............................erm..will upload another pictures later..damn slow streamnyx nowadays...1 pic ja 30min..gila membunuh kali tau
You Are That Answered Prayer
6 months ago