lebri level 1?=crowded!!!!!
lebri level 12?=crowded!!!!!!
adus....what happen? ya la final mah...gettin stressed on ...almost insane sda ni...people keep coming to the library since dorang pun lebih kurang ja like me...if at home..damn hell in my head i just cant stop thinking main game kalo xpun..tidur..apalagi kan...aiyo...i have a special story about our library specially when it made all around glasses..sounded like glass house ah? sort of..but from here there is lotsa inspiration actually..trutamanya sepa2 yg tgk sepa2 yg dorang admire la lalu lalang hahahah like me...past 2 years ago huhuhu wanna tell you but still lotsa work to do..
p/s.....i still can see him here...same as before..at the library..tru d glass (-.-)....just next a few tables to be exact<----mentality distruction!memory wish to be deleted!
You Are That Answered Prayer
6 months ago