Saturday, January 31, 2009

new choc in a run~for dietary

Bahan-bahan ( 8 in )
1 cawan gula perang
1 cawan susu segar perisa coklat
1 cawan minyak
3/4 cawan serbuk koko
1/2 cawan susu pekat manis
1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1 sudu teh baking powder
3 biji telur
Ayak tepung, soda bikarbonat & baking powder
Masukkan serbuk koko, gula, susu segar, susu pekat dan minyak ke dalam periuk dan panaskan di atas api kecil sehingga semua larut. Matikan api.
Pukul telur hingga kembang dan masukkan ke dalam bancuhan koko.
Masukkan tepung sedikit sedikit dan gaul sebati.
Tuang ke dalam loyang yang telah di lengser dengan minyak/ lapik dengan kertas minyak.
Tutup loyang dengan aluminium Foil dan kukus selama 1 jam di dalam kukusan yang telah dipanaskan.
Angkat dan sejukkan.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

For more widgets please visit

Saturday, January 17, 2009

so what if im a single?!!

being a single sometimes more fun then wat pple think..lonely?yeah sometimes...even i have a realationship i dun know where to start or to end it..psssssssst...mostly i choosed to keep it silent and ease them away as the time goes by..a crush?...probably i had it!..plenty! theres nuthing wrong to be single..but some of those guys thot a gal that a single kan nda laku bah...duina...kmi bkn xlaku tp mcm mn jua...hati nda berkenanla katakan...hahahha..oyeah..since i was in school i didnt realize that i always have a lil relationship with the creature named MALE..i was a bit boyish since i was a kid...(..mcm bkn sikit mcm byk tau keganasan ine..kekek)..but the stupid part was im a mata keranjang gal..hahah (come on here gud lukin guys...ahhaah)..but most of the time i will like pple that have a gud communication skills not by their looks only..what makes me single still a bit 7wonders in my closefren (MOON) she claimed that it is imposibble if i dun go and date with a that shows that i love to be a single ...its ok ba to be single....yupe it cant be deny that i have a look of a socialgal..which i am social wif my communication and mind...but inside a gal who love to read books and stay at home at nite..<----yg ni xda kena mgena ah dgn single...kekeke.. for those a single person..

hey chill out..its ok ba to be single...mao tau napa?

1.xpayah punch card ba

2.sukati la mo mkn ka mo tido ka smua suka2 ati

3.xpyh risau org lain 4.jimat credit/bill

5.erk....sikit jeles la kalo org p dating ba...ndapa...kita kuar2 jln2 sndri2..uina rmi tu tngk fren Skarn said lawa xda bf baru la ROCK!!!!!!hahahhaah

p/s:all the girls out there...u r pretty for what u are...lawa ba kan kita ni.... for my fren...which closed to me...MUNIRAH ARSHAD...a.k.a MOON...hey babe..its ok to be single..u and me with our frenship will rock the world...if he dnt realize u..thats mean he dun realize how wonderful u are as wat u are..setiap HAWA diciptakan untuk ADAMny
me & moon at gofur wedding

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

excuse me..Ada SEnanG Ka?

excuse me..Ada SEnanG Ka?
wat is ur first impression wen some_one<----i know a guy wif dis nick!ahaks>..come and ask u those question?ahahha letme tell u wats in ur mind..
1.wat is dis chinese guy wants from me? any things around u r close to SenaNg?...<..dukna..ala2 la ba sebutannya kunun>

dats wat my 1st impression about the MR.NiceGuY in my office..with a typical chinese look..ahahah since he is chinese anyway..he tryin to speak in malay and ask for a favor..and 1 more thing!...aiyo cousin c SuK yuNG ba.. he well known as a gentleman guy with a gud words(sopan punya org yg makin pupus....p/s:bkn sopan mcm sotong tu atau kaki kipas he is really nice guy. his name is LAU SU MING..
he speak in a gud words...such as..'erm..can u pls do me a favor?but if u cant spare ur time its ok.'<---it works on me!not me but also to all the VT pple!ekeke..he is not handsome or cute as well but wat makes us in the VT DEPARTMENT<---xda ba department ni tp kmi saja2 bg nama kunuk2 department kamila yg bdak2 praktikal neh..ekekke>..the words and kindness makes u luk wonderful than the physical luk..from the heart,WE, the VT as a whole gave him a credit as our MR NICE GUY!

oya....dats so funny and thats were our last conversation in malay!hahaha cuz i much more prefer he speak in english... hahahah

p/s: all the people in the office oso nice lei..but Su mIng the nicest<--ada ka ni ayat? hahha...almost 2 months and all the people are wonderful a.k.a another 4 months left ...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What HaPPeN To mY DiEt PrograM?~Do SoMe SpoRts PLeaSe..

<-------ini adalah c azizul,,c junyen called him, HA GZSHI GSHOU akakakka

i read a blog from 1 of the blogger..about losing a weight in a healthy ways..but the point is WHY itbis not WorkIng on mE?..(adaka diriku mempunyai lemak2 tepu mcm badak mcm berendam?)..ahahahha i kindda curious about it..working in fully air-conditioner places makes us FAT!<----nah its Not True cuZ am the OnLY FattEst<---montel ba..chubby but its ok..kiut nie..ekeke..! all the auditors in here kan slim like LidI..(or am i the oRc 1?) ...a few weeks a go...i think in late December 2008..i went to play a futsal near my house which also a place for the company employee to have their time together..(no drinks are allowed)..only for sport mah...its kindda excitement..all the colleagues together have fun,play and fight! thats so gud to be in here..and the most important thing is the only gal for that daY! wuiyo...they dun dare to come near me..( as they claimed they are scared to play KASAR wif a gal..uhuks!) but i did play kasar and tolak ah LIew To The net!hahahah Guess TheY gOt a wroNg gal, FolKs! any way...i played for fun and counting of my weight!!!!!capat la ba turun...gumuk betul sda nie!mcm badak!!!!matai`

p/s...i love you..<----eh salah nie! ...the pics will be upload later..psssssstttt...di opis ni curi2 pki tenet wakakakak~

in A MoOd FoR No LOvE?

actually this is not my book! hahahha Nazuha PunYer!!!!!!!! kekek i borrowed it from her..but goin to return it back post lg p KEheL..but it is a story about teenagers and young adult love life..but in d states if im not mistake la 20's kan..mostly their life more on the fun side,,and the serious will start at 30's..its not a story is my issue anyway but the tittle...muahahhahaha...duina ba...patah hati kenek..but i must say that this author choosed a power of tittle actually will attract people to see and buy the book...and how about we share it?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

to SpenD it Easy..How abOut tO get It?

recently i been doin my sis frens assigmnt...(dgn harapan dapat la upah lebey2)...its only for OuM student mah....and its only for the subject of ETHICS...dgn tabarusnya...(a.k.a tamak} pun took all the assignment..amik Ko! 6 assignments...guess to the is not easy as wat i see before..a case study should be ok and easy...their lecturer rejected my assignment which i prepared for them(sampai sakit2 otak ni memikirkan cara2 mengayat dan mengoreng)...<----akhirnya hangus juga ..sakit ati sya wo..then i keep quiet and made anonther 1 in a week period...kana rejek lagi siap bagi guideline yang berbeza lagi tu...then i re-do the next trial...oso been rejected erm..nut not all of 'them la...only 1 andartu lecturer la...uina..kin panas..tahan ati lagi ni for u money..i'll do anything..then she reject again the work...paning kapla sa trus..last2 minit drng terpaksa buat sndri...i told Alimp about it..kana marah lg i want to spend my money on not so necessary item...i will think about it...i like to spend all the money easily without think wat d purpose of buying to buy anything i will think y shud i buy it..but not on food ah...(mimang suka makan, mcm mn juga kan? ) hahah

Friday, January 9, 2009

the New ObSessIOnS!! EnGLish GARdEN?....nah tembirang ja ni tau

lately my sis fara been addicted to a eNGliSH gaRDEN STYLE which im strongly confused ba...before she was married we been angreed to make the House..(not Dr.HouSE ah....) in a modern Way...then she changed a bit by a bit hahahaha just imagine about it...a modern lamps and lights kan suddenly kerusi nya english garden ahahahahah but nah...its ok long she is happy with that...and something gettin mom bought jati! nah kan sda ada oriental

stail pulak nie wat i did (trip2 ala2 mcm Eric Leong kenek...)WE MAde THe DEcORAtion la hahahah (thanx to those people that gave as VANTAGe Before<----alalalla nda mampu sa beli ni barang ,mahal ni...) now...our house realy mix&match concept...

ni d mana ni ah?owh dkat tv ba ini

ni dapan rumah near the door

Nah sana dapur~

Living Hall<-----ceh space ja ba

LOtSa Works a.k.a Looks LIke Busy?=p

what if ur expression is like this?

hahahah dat was my 2nd day working (LoLs)
am new and it was just a cutting off account...(duina smua org baru kana buat ni barang ba)...
then the next week be like this on my table! after dat it became dis! and this!

i love the job and sometimes it put me in headache! erm....i got oredy my fav auditor which i called him MR.NIce Guy!hahahaha watta fun!
sometimes it kindda bored so wat me do is LUKS liKe BUsy...haahha just make it happen la..(altho pyh jga blakon nie dapan tu manager ...hahahah)...just open the files la...(tgk2 ja ba kunun ndapun buat2 kusyuk buat buku log laporan)....<----TerER kan Us ekkeke

In A WOrkForCe!

yeah im a bit busy lately wif my works....hahahh its so funny to be there in Ersnt&Young..many of them are chinese people ba...n most of the auditor thaught im a chinese too!hahha yeah for the 1st day it is kind of baru kan tgk2 ja ni...patang session sda kami tidur2 sana trainee department hahhahahah that day i met Azizoul and Suk Yung...(marah dia ni kalo kana panggil Miss Chang)...but our manager, Mr MOk kol her Ms.Chang la...ekkekek...its so funny day after a day..SukYung asked us too much daily about our life as a MUslim Wat cant And can...somesays...dia mcm aLIen Xtaw apa2 nie...but she works only for 1 month..erm~(miss her a lot ba) dun when she is around...we talked and chat a lot smpi ktawa2 suara kami bulih tu department tax dengar! still lookin for her picture...