Saturday, January 17, 2009

so what if im a single?!!

being a single sometimes more fun then wat pple think..lonely?yeah sometimes...even i have a realationship i dun know where to start or to end it..psssssssst...mostly i choosed to keep it silent and ease them away as the time goes by..a crush?...probably i had it!..plenty! theres nuthing wrong to be single..but some of those guys thot a gal that a single kan nda laku bah...duina...kmi bkn xlaku tp mcm mn jua...hati nda berkenanla katakan...hahahha..oyeah..since i was in school i didnt realize that i always have a lil relationship with the creature named MALE..i was a bit boyish since i was a kid...(..mcm bkn sikit mcm byk tau keganasan ine..kekek)..but the stupid part was im a mata keranjang gal..hahah (come on here gud lukin guys...ahhaah)..but most of the time i will like pple that have a gud communication skills not by their looks only..what makes me single still a bit 7wonders in my closefren (MOON) she claimed that it is imposibble if i dun go and date with a that shows that i love to be a single ...its ok ba to be single....yupe it cant be deny that i have a look of a socialgal..which i am social wif my communication and mind...but inside a gal who love to read books and stay at home at nite..<----yg ni xda kena mgena ah dgn single...kekeke.. for those a single person..

hey chill out..its ok ba to be single...mao tau napa?

1.xpayah punch card ba

2.sukati la mo mkn ka mo tido ka smua suka2 ati

3.xpyh risau org lain 4.jimat credit/bill

5.erk....sikit jeles la kalo org p dating ba...ndapa...kita kuar2 jln2 sndri2..uina rmi tu tngk fren Skarn said lawa xda bf baru la ROCK!!!!!!hahahhaah

p/s:all the girls out there...u r pretty for what u are...lawa ba kan kita ni.... for my fren...which closed to me...MUNIRAH ARSHAD...a.k.a MOON...hey babe..its ok to be single..u and me with our frenship will rock the world...if he dnt realize u..thats mean he dun realize how wonderful u are as wat u are..setiap HAWA diciptakan untuk ADAMny
me & moon at gofur wedding


Unknown said...

yeah!!so wut if im still single..
i'm still a rock star...hehehe..