a few days a go..i been told by my colleague how was my attitude in my office which is totally different for who i was..and i know that am totally messy the whole week..i know am stressed out from a work which i consider as a place of STRESSWAR..keep on looking at the numbers and client files..( i almost get 1 of the list missing form my table)..back home,my mum and sis keep complaining about my weight and how most of my clothes (all those jeans etc etc) not fit me anymore..i keep on with my diet regime and the problem occured when i found out that my weight getting more then it usually was..NOW AM A FREAK WEIGHT SCALE. and what i did not realize was my diet was a CRASH DIET..am hurting my own body! and thats how the depression begin..easy to get mad and am not happy as what i am used to be.
gained by 10kgs within 1 and half month during the final exam last year was the nitemare in my life.i cant lose my weight even 1 kg in a month. chatting with angelbear that day was the big help when she opened my eyes that people cant lose weight too fast and how am supposed to appreciate for what i was..a brief from angelbear about Ladykay and how it never stop her from being happy made me think how i never appreciate the life that i have..bubbleberry also happy for what she is. why am i so stupid to think on what size that can attract people if im not happy with my life? so for all my GALSFREN..we are made in different sizezs but we all beautiful for what we are..
p/s...i should thank to GOD cuz made me luks around 8-10kgs smaller in size (bodyfigure & weight) than my original weight..tapi maintain la seluar smua suda kapus2 mo pakai tp tatap nda terbutang dgn terzip LolS
this picture taken during my fren GOFUR wedding..this moment i already menambah kemampatan lemak sebanyak 7kgs...hahhahaha (makin chubby wo my PiPi)
hey Pye...in this desperation to lose weight which also happens to me, I still think that a little bit of flesh does make us sexier than being total skinny. Maybe it's not all that bad ba kali kan. hehehehe. Jangan ja talampau overweight ba tu kan. Wish you luck bebeh.
a lil of flesh makes us luks curvy which is good and sexier than the skinny gals but am still want to lose a lil ba..haahhah<---tamaha ni sy ni..thank u and i hope we can lose and cut our weight together.hehehe
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